Emule Mods

Area Download => Ultime release di eMule => Archivio vecchie versioni => Discussione aperta da: THOR il 23 Febbraio 2009, 19:11:39 PM

Titolo: eMule 0.49a StulleMule 6.0
Inserito da: THOR il 23 Febbraio 2009, 19:11:39 PM

Binary : scarica da Sourceforge (http://downloads.sourceforge.net/stullemule/eMule0.49a-StulleMule_v6.0-bin.rar?use_mirror=switch) -  ed2k://|file|eMule0.49a-StulleMule_v6.0-bin.rar|3034962|726F721EA16B009E4C662E6004BFCE05| scarica da eMule[/ed2k]

Sources : scarica da Sourceforge (http://downloads.sourceforge.net/stullemule/eMule0.49a-StulleMule_v6.0-src.rar?use_mirror=dfn) -  ed2k://|file|eMule0.49a-StulleMule_v6.0-src.rar|8251913|14775110FAA0BCBEF13162D941C8691C| scarica da eMule[/ed2k]

Traduzione in Italiano : scarica da Sourceforge (http://downloads.sourceforge.net/stullemule/emule0.49a-StulleMule6.0-it_IT.rar?use_mirror=mesh)

Per la spiegazione delle features presenti nella Mod, consultate il nostro Glossario (http://emulemods.altervista.org/index.php?topic=2884.0)


based on eMule 0.49a MorphXT 11.0 compiled with vs2005 SP1

Added: MenuXP Sub Heading [fafner/Stulle]
Added: Advanced Transfer Window Layout [Stulle/ideas from fafner]
Added: Threaded File Settings Saving [Stulle]
+ keeps the GUI responsive while saving
Added: Threaded Known Files Saving [Stulle]
+ keeps the GUI responsive while saving
Added: DirectX (Preview feature) support for VS05 [eMF]

Changed: Save file settings when changing FollowTheMajority setting [Stulle]
Changed: Save file settings when new file added [Stulle]
Changed: File settings save thread waits 5 seconds before launching [Stulle]
Changed: Context menu Sidebars show mod version [Stulle]
Changed: Context menu title shown as sub heading [Stulle]
Changed: Creation of TBH: MiniMule (won't show up on startup now) [Stulle]
Changed: Maintain splitter state on change TransferWnd toolbar settings [Stulle]

Updated: Anti-Leecher-Lists (DLP v32-pre) [Xman/Myth/JvA/DLarge]

Fixed: Some memleak fixes and other fixes [fafner]
Fixed: Memleak fixes for System info [WiZaRd]
Fixed: (minor) Permission context menu in DownloadListCtrl [Stulle]
Fixed: (minor) On/Off button for Server design settings [Stulle]

Advanced Transfer Window Layout:
+ Any two lists can be viewed at the same time
+ Downloading file list can only be viewed in the upper part
+ If list shown in the upper half is already in the lower half the lower
list changes to next list
+ To disable/ enable press the split button/ item