Emule Mods

Area Download => Ultime release di eMule => Archivio vecchie versioni => Discussione aperta da: Lucarella il 22 Settembre 2010, 20:34:38 PM

Titolo: eMule 0.50a MorphCA 1.7
Inserito da: Lucarella il 22 Settembre 2010, 20:34:38 PM

Binary: Scarica da Emulefuture (http://www.emule-security.net/modb/details.php?file=571) -  ed2k://|file|eMulev0.50a.-MorphCAv1.7-bin.rar|4693089|C45618097636C9516568B89547C6766F|h=HL2ZUUP4ZGEYSSAUI2KPHPKJOZS56DFX| Scarica da eMule[/ed2k] - Scarica da Emule Mods (http://emulemods.altervista.org/download/eMulev0.50a._MorphCAv1.7_bin.zip)

Sources: Scarica da Emulefuture (http://www.emule-security.net/modb/details.php?file=570) -  ed2k://|file|eMulev0.50a._MorphCAv1.7_src_libs.vs08.compile.ready.incl.win7sdk.rar|24532283|76BBDB1395566C9E4AD0A5C02AE41C67|h=UMEQUUG4ZXIK6R2XXW4LZVQLCXSLKBC4| Scarica da eMule[/ed2k]

Per la spiegazione delle features presenti nella Mod, consultate il nostro Glossario (http://emulemods.altervista.org/index.php?topic=2884.0)


Change: Replaced XMessageBox with version of X-Mod [dolphinx]
Add: Use some auto close XMessageBox instead of AfxMessageBox [dolphinx]
Add: Auto close timer to "main exit" dialog [morph4u]
Change: Some changes in CA from eMuleFuture 1.0 Beta2 [WiZaRd]
Add: BadClientFlag [WiZaRd]
Add: "open incoming dir" to toolbar [WiZaRd]
Add: "open incoming dir" to Win7 thumbbuttons list [WiZaRd]
Add: Localize strings for MorphCA [morph4u]
Change: Some lines in History list menu
Add: eMule Skin from "Cloudas" to bin package
Add: Newest MediaInfo.dll to bin package
Remove: ClipStat