Emule Mods

Area Download => Ultime release di eMule => Archivio vecchie versioni => Discussione aperta da: THOR il 22 Febbraio 2009, 16:35:21 PM

Titolo: eMule 0.48a Xtreme 6.0
Inserito da: THOR il 22 Febbraio 2009, 16:35:21 PM

Binary : scarica da Sourceforge (http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/emulextreme/emule0.48a-Xtreme6.0.rar?download) -  ed2k://|file|emule0.48a-Xtreme6.0.rar|7005742|49E096EDB52304E571DC0C9D494C6B43| scarica da eMule[/ed2k]

Sources : scarica da Sourceforge (http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/emulextreme/emule0.48a-Xtreme6.0-sources.rar?download) -  ed2k://|file|emule0.48a-Xtreme6.0-sources.rar|6022498|66953C570BCB6929A52EDABE04F7170E| scarica da eMule[/ed2k]

Per la spiegazione delle features presenti nella Mod, consultate il nostro Glossario (http://emulemods.altervista.org/index.php?topic=2884.0)


* updated to 0.48a codebase
* made the NAFC-adapter-selection-code vista-compatible
* replaced official UPNP withXtreme UPNP (still at extended preferences)
* added: Obfuscation-PaddingLength to Extended preferences
* changed Xtreme Creditsystem: linier calculatio from 4.5 MB to 9.3 MB like official
* changed: remote credits are also calculated with 0.48a methode
* changed sourcesaver: don't save obfuscation required sources (would need to also store the userhash)
* changed: increased possible filebuffersize to 2 MB
* improved: iptocountry shows now 32 Bits flags for windows >= XP
* improved some code for closing sockets
* improved code that was responsable for creating two clients instances for one client
* improved: moveitem in mulelistcontrol (netfinity)
* fixed official bug when dis/enabling Queuelist/Clientslist
* fixed official bug when checking for empty userhash (ilmira)
* fixed official bug: update system-menu after changing bandwidth-capacity
* adjusted some parameters
* updated all languagefiles