Emule Mods

Area Download => Ultime release di eMule => Archivio vecchie versioni => Discussione aperta da: dylandog84 il 14 Dicembre 2020, 21:39:27 PM

Titolo: eMule 0.60b Community Version (By Fox88)
Inserito da: dylandog84 il 14 Dicembre 2020, 21:39:27 PM

Installer versione 32-bit : Scarica da GitHub (https://github.com/irwir/eMule/releases/download/eMule_v0.60b-community/eMule0.60b-Installer.exe)

Installer versione 64-bit : Scarica da GitHub (https://github.com/irwir/eMule/releases/download/eMule_v0.60b-community/eMule0.60b-Installer64.exe)

Binary versione 32-bit : Scarica da GitHub (https://github.com/irwir/eMule/releases/download/eMule_v0.60b-community/eMule0.60b.zip)

Binary versione 64-bit : Scarica da GitHub (https://github.com/irwir/eMule/releases/download/eMule_v0.60b-community/eMule0.60b_x64.zip)

Sources : Scarica da GitHub (https://github.com/irwir/eMule/releases/download/eMule_v0.60b-community/eMule0.60b-Sources.zip)

Per la spiegazione delle features presenti nel software, consultate il nostro Glossario (http://emulemods.altervista.org/index.php?topic=2884.0)

Sito "satellite" di riferimento utilizzato dallo sviluppatore: GitHub (https://github.com/irwir/eMule/releases)

Changelog ENG

This is a maintenance release.

A number of issues found since the release of version 0.60a were fixed:

- incorrectly disabled Preview item in context menu of downloads list
- memory leak in storing searches routine
- regression in frame grabber
- AICH tag publishing